Upcoming Events:

Grand Union Community Energy and EcoBerko Bridgewater School Energy Event
Join us at the Grand Union Community Energy and EcoBerko Energy Event at Open Door to learn about sustainable energy solutions
Location: 360-364 High Street, Berkhamsted, HP4 1HU
Grand Union Community Energy and EcoBerko Bridgewater School Energy Event
Join us at the Grand Union Community Energy and EcoBerko Bridgewater School Energy Event to learn about sustainable energy solutions
Location: Bridgewater Primary School, Bridle Way, Berkhamsted, HP4 1ES
EcoBerko is entirely run by volunteers, has a core Steering Group, project action teams and regular volunteers/meeting attendees of up to 40 people. Our wider contact and action list membership is over 900 strong. EcoBerko is open to and encourages involvement from everyone in the local community. We have many opportunities for volunteering from communications support to documenting our successes; helping out with litter picks, to working with the Green Team at events; volunteering on energy projects to reduce local energy consumption to supporting our work towards protecting valuable nature habitats; helping out online with social media; or taking on a wider role, such as helping to coordinate the volunteers.
Come and join us – we would love to hear from you by filling in this online form.

EcoBerko Business Hub is a monthly meeting place for businesses looking to improve their environmental performance. Each week we have an interesting and thought provoking presentation followed by discussion. The meeting is online and open to all businesses. Contact Olivia to get meeting and joining info: olivia@orbsustainability.com
For me, EcoBerko continues to be a wonderful way to get together with lovely people to take positive action for our community. I’ve made some great friends, set up new projects like the Green Events Team and learned loads that I've been able to take home - I'm growing more of my own food, being more careful with our energy and car use, and generally taking more joy in where we live.
Emma N

Being part of the EcoBerko group and the Transition movement opened my eyes to the possibility that I didn't need to commute and work for someone else 9-5. I now have my own business and cycle down the road to my office each day, and have a lot more freedom and fulfilment.
John Bell

As a newer member of EcoBerko it has been great meeting people with shared interests and concerns about our environment. The group has supported my recent “No Idling” campaign to encourage all vehicles to switch off their engines when stationary. Alongside this, we are monitoring the invisible and dangerous air pollutant, Nitrogen Dioxide, across our town. As a group, we get together with other community volunteers to tackle a much more visible pollutant, litter, and organise regular litter picks.
As a founder member of EcoBerko I have had support to develop my life now as a disabled person particularly in wilding my lawn by not cutting it very frequently so that insects, butterflies and birds live there in profusion feeding off wildflowers. The support and friendship of EcoBerko members is invaluable.

Current Participation
Some things we've got going on right now that you can get involved in:
Concerning the Environment
Solar Panels on Ashlyns School: EcoBerko worked with the Schools Energy Co-op to fund a substantial solar panel array on the roof of the new school sports centre. To join, contact: schools-energy-coop.co.uk
Green Events Team: EcoBerko have been supporting our local music festival, BerkoFest, to become a 'greener' event for many years, and set up a new community recycling initiative with them in 2013. This continues to grow with the team supporting a range of music, cultural and other community events, including Berkofest, Ashlyns Festival and Berko BeerFest.
Creative activities for children and families: In 2017 we introduced the new ‘Create Zone’ at Berkofest, where the EcoBerko team continues to run a programme of recycled and natural craft activities for children and families.
Community litter picks: EcoBerko ran its first community litter pick in 2019. With support from Dacorum Borough Council, we provide equipment and materials for individuals and families to help keep local parks and paths clear of rubbish.
Save our Swifts: EcoBerko hosted a joint event with Herts & Middlesex Wildlife Trust in May 2019 with the aim of raising awareness of the diminishing number of local swifts event. EcoBerko have subsequently supported local initiatives like St Mary’s Primary school in Northchurch who installed four new swift boxes in August 2020. This has both supported swifts as well as help educate children to the amazing lifecycle of the swifts.
www.swift-conservation.org hertswildlifetrust.org.uk
Community wildlife areas: EcoBerko has supported Berkhamsted Town Council to create new space for wildlife as part of the local response to the climate and biodiversity crisis. With guidance from the Berkhamsted Gardeners’ Society, EcoBerko volunteers planted 3000 wild garlic, bluebell and winter aconite bulbs in a new community wildlife area at The Moor in Berkhamsted in November 2020. This planting is due to continue. To get involved contact: deputyclerk@berkhamstedtowncouncil.gov.uk
Working together and raising awareness
GUTSI: Grand Union Transition Sustainability Initiative, where EcoBerko have formed a working relationship with the Hertfordshire Climate Change and Sustainability Partnership to assist the councils in the county in their strategic thinking on Carbon, Biodiversity, Water and Transport. To get involved: contact John Bell jubble@hotmail.co.uk
B-Hive: When the local police station was to be sold, EcoBerko mobilised the town to voice their ideas as to how to best use the town centre, including running a “charrette” where 1000+ residents contributed their ideas to a professionally produced report on the possibilities, which continues to have influence to this day. Read more.
A Few of EcoBerko’s Previous Achievements
The Ashlyns Lectures: EcoBerko has hosted a series of well-attended talks with influential people in the field of sustainability, including Fran Boait of Positive Money; Ian Roberts discussing Energy Glut; Polly Higgins on stopping Ecocide.
What on Earth Shall we do about Climate Change: EcoBerko hosted a Question Time style debate with prominent representatives of finance (HSBC), energy (Shell), academia and NGOs (RSPB).
Transition National Roadshow: EcoBerko hosted the national Transition Roadshow 2015, with many events around the town over the day, culminating in a theatre of people discussing Transition with Rob Hopkins, the founder of the Transition Towns movement.
Public film nights: Over the years EcoBerko have hosted large events to sell-out audiences to see films such as ‘The Age of Stupid’ and ‘Demain’.
Fresh Local Accessible and the Dacorum Local Food Initiative: EcoBerko worked with Sunnyside Rural Trust to create an initiative to promote local food, including obtaining funding to employ a local food coordinator for a number of years.
Community orchards: EcoBerko facilitated the planting of two community orchards, one in and one adjacent to the Dellfield allotments. Contact Berkhamsted Town Council re allotments.